Operation Badges
Each operation can have different badges that indicate its state, for example if it is deprecated, the operation id, etc. The available badges are:
By default, only the deprecated
badge is shown, as appropriate. You can customize the operation badges using the useTheme().setOperationBadges()
method. The order in which you set the badges is the order in which they will be displayed.
For example:
aside: false
outline: false
title: vitepress-openapi
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useData } from 'vitepress'
import { useTheme } from 'vitepress-openapi'
import spec from '../public/openapi.json'
const { isDark } = useData()
const themeConfig = useTheme()
themeConfig.setOperationBadges(['deprecated', 'operationId'])
<OAOperation :spec="spec" operationId="getAllArtists" :isDark="isDark" />
You can also customize the prefix of the badges by setting the operation.badgePrefix.{badgeName}
key in the i18n messages. For example, in your .vitepress/theme/index.ts
, before calling theme.enhanceApp({ app })
, you can set the following:
import { locales, theme, useTheme } from 'vitepress-openapi'
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
import 'vitepress-openapi/dist/style.css'
export default {
extends: DefaultTheme,
enhanceApp({ app }) {
// Optionally, set the i18n configuration.
const themeConfig = useTheme()
messages: {
en: {
'operation.badgePrefix.operationId': 'Operation ID: ',
es: {
'operation.badgePrefix.operationId': 'ID de operación: ',
// Use the theme.
theme.enhanceApp({ app })
Get all artists
Get a list of all legendary Argentine Rock artists and explore their contributions to the music scene.
Query Parameters
The number of items to return
The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set
curl -X GET https://stoplight.io/mocks/enzonotario/argentine-rock/122547792/api/v1/artists
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
import requests
response = requests.get("https://stoplight.io/mocks/enzonotario/argentine-rock/122547792/api/v1/artists")