One Operation Layout
You can use the OAOperation
component to render a single operation in a single page layout.
Creating Operation Pages
To create operation pages, create a directory named operations
in the docs
directory. Inside the operations
directory, create a file named [operationId].md
and a file named [operationId].paths.js
├── /operations
│ ├── [operationId].md
│ └── [operationId].paths.js
Example of [operationId].paths.js
import { useOpenapi, httpVerbs } from 'vitepress-openapi'
import spec from '../public/openapi.json' assert { type: 'json' }
export default {
paths() {
const openapi = useOpenapi({ spec })
if (!openapi?.json?.paths) {
return []
return Object.keys(openapi.json.paths)
.flatMap((path) => {
return httpVerbs
.filter((verb) => openapi.json.paths[path][verb])
.map((verb) => {
const { operationId, summary } = openapi.json.paths[path][verb]
return {
params: {
pageTitle: `${summary} - vitepress-openapi`,
Example of [operationId].md
aside: false
outline: false
title: vitepress-openapi
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useRoute, useData } from 'vitepress'
const route = useRoute()
const { isDark } = useData()
const operationId =
<OAOperation :operationId="operationId" :isDark="isDark" />
You can also configure multiple options in this [operationId].md
file, for example:
aside: false
outline: false
title: vitepress-openapi
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useRoute, useData } from 'vitepress'
import { useOpenapi, useTheme } from 'vitepress-openapi'
const route = useRoute()
const { isDark } = useData()
const openapi = useOpenapi()
const themeConfig = useTheme()
const operationId =
const operation = openapi.getOperation(operationId)
// Set the response code selector to select if there are more than 3 responses
Object.keys(operation.responses).length > 3 ? 'select' : 'tabs'
<OAOperation :operationId="operationId" :isDark="isDark" />
Searching Operation Pages
If you want to make use of search on your site, the default local
search will not work due to
Consider using vitepress-plugin-pagefind, which works with dynamic routes.